Student Equipment Loan Policies


An overview of policies and best practices for equipment loans for students of Saint Xavier University





Hours of Operation

Materials are available for reservation when the Hub opens, and must be returned on the agreed upon date, no later than one half hour prior to the Hub closing. The Hub's hours are updated on the website. Equipment must be reserved through WebCheckout (Equipment Reservations). Please note our Terms and Conditions for checking out equipment from The Hub.

Students enrolled at SXU have access  to reserve the following equipment for course assignment purposes: 

Canon Video Camcorders 24-hour reservation
Zoom Digital Audio Recorder 24-hour reservation
Canon Digital Still Camera 24-hour reservation
Canon DSLR (T3i) 24-hour reservation
Art Kit  24-hour reservation; special permissions required
Production Kit 48-hour reservation; Communication students ONLY
Podcasting Kit 48-hour reservation; special permissions required
Zoom Handy Recorder 1 - 3 week reservation

Other equipment that is used for events on campus may also be reserved by students through WebCheckout (Equipment Reservations), but it will not be available for pickup from the front desk. Instead, the equipment will be setup by a Client Services staff member in the specified location. Client Services needs 2 weeks advance notice regarding events to ensure that staff is available to assist and to ensure that the equipment requested is available. Client Services reserves the right to deny requests that are not placed 2 weeks in advance.

Special Permissions

If your class requires the use of an Art Kit, Production Kit, or Podcasting Kit, your instructor should provide your name to Client Services in order to be added to the approved list of students. 

Late Fees

An item is considered "late" when it is not returned to the Hub (L121) at the agreed upon time. Media Services will send an email to the Borrower when an item is late. Fees are applied the following day. 

Canon Video Camcorders $25/day
Zoom Digital Audio Recorder $25/day
Canon Digital Still Camera $25/day
Canon DSLR $40/day
Art Kit $50/day
Production Kit $70/day
Podcasting Kit $50/day
Zoom Handy Recorder $40/day
Cables and Accessories $10/day
Laptop $30/day
Image Projector $40/day

Equipment fines are per calendar day. The preceding fines are examples. Fines may be itemized for every item returned late. 

Destruction and Loss of Materials

Action on damage and loss that is reported at the time of the reservation will be determined at the discretion of Media Services Personnel. Damage and loss that is not reported at the time of equipment check-in will incur the following fines: 

Material(s) valued at $99.00 or fewer Payment will be total cost for replacement or repair of equipment
Material(s) valued at $100.00 or more Payment will be $100.00 plus 20% of repair or replacement cost, not to exceed $600.00

All fine grievances for damage and late returns shall be made in writing. A review of grievances shall be made by the Lender (Client Services), before fines are levied. 
All fines will be charged to the Borrower's student account through the Bursar's Office. All payments must be paid at the Bursar's Office. 

Taking Equipment Off Campus

  • Equipment Reservations made to travel off campus must be picked up and dropped off at the the Hub's front desk (L121). 
  • A travel case will be provided for safe transport per availability.
  • Do not leave equipment in an unoccupied vehicle, in extreme heat or extreme cold, or unattended in public



Article ID: 19054
Mon 11/28/16 4:49 PM
Fri 11/6/20 12:53 PM