Audience: Students, Faculty & Staff
Having a floor plan for the room is very helpful to our Hub staff and to you when deciding how the room should be organized. Below we list out the layouts for our meeting and event spaces. When planning your event, you can make your reservation at WebCheckout via the Hub.
If you do not add a layout option from the below to your Reservation cart in WebCheckout, the Hub will automatically default to using the first layout option for the event space you have chosen. The Hub reserves the right to deny event requests if not given 2 weeks advance notice in order to schedule staff and check on event equipment availability. The Hub staff does not do live event recording/streaming/photography.
The meeting and event spaces on campus are:
E402 (Fourth Floor Board Room)
Board Room - Double Projection Setup
- 2 Screens - 2 Projectors (with laptop) - Podium Mic - 1 Wireless Mic - PowerPoint Remote

Board Room - Single Projection Setup
- 1 Screen - 1 Projector (with laptop) - Podium Mic - 1 Wireless Mic - PowerPoint Remote

Board Room - Faculty Senate/Trustees Setup
- 2 Screens - 2 Projectors (with laptop) - Board of Trustees Mic Setup (table mics) - PowerPoint Remote

Board Room - Transfer Day Setup Table Setup
- Colleague Printer - Number of Laptops Specified by Patron

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L203 (Butler Reception Hall)
Butler Reception Hall - Double Projection Setup
- 2 Screens - 2 Projectors (with laptop) - Podium Mic - 1 Wireless Mic - PowerPoint Remote

Butler Reception Hall - Single Projection Setup
- 1 Screen - 1 Projector (with laptop) - Podium Mic - 1 Wireless Mic - PowerPoint Remote

Butler Reception Hall - Transfer Day Setup
- Colleague Printer - Number of Laptops Specified by Patron

Butler Reception Hall - Double Projection Panel Discussion
- 2 Screens - 2 Projectors (with laptop) - Podium Mic - 2 Wireless Mics (one per table) - PowerPoint Remote

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L216 (McGuire Hall)
McGuire Hall - Projection Setup
- 1 Screen - 1 Projector (with laptop) - 1 Podium Mic

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Shannon Center Main Gym
Shannon Center Main Gym - Double Projection Setup
- 2 Screens - 2 Projectors (with laptop) - 1 Wireless Mic

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Shannon Center Recreation Gym
Shannon Center Rec Gym - Double Projection Setup
- 2 Screens - 2 Projectors (with laptop) - 1 Wireless Mic

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Rubloff 503 (Loftus Conference Room)
Rubloff Hall - Rubloff Setup
- 1 Screen - 1 Projector - 1 Computer - 1 PowerPoint Remote

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Zoom Enabled Spaces
Recommended Event Spaces:
President Dining Room (PDR) - recommended (room capacity: 12)
Webcam and conference phone are available in the room.
Provost Conference Room (PCR) - recommended (room capacity: 10)
Webcam and conference phone are available in the room.
CIDAT Conference Room - recommended (Room Capacity: 6)
Webcam and Built-in sound system are available in the room
Reserve via
Fourth Floor Boardroom - recommended (Room Capacity: 80)
Built-in sound system is available in the room
No Webcam - Potential for USB camera if video of audience or speaker is needed.
Recommended Classroom List:
Audio & Video enabled:
L301, L303, L309
Audio enabled:
S101, S113, S203
L211, L215
L306, L317, L321, L331, L337, L343
Please do not request Zoom set ups from the Hub in the following spaces:
Butler Reception Hall - No Webcam - Potential for USB camera if video of audience or speaker is needed. No built-in sound system - Potential for microphone jack into computer. Audio quality is not guaranteed.
McGuire Hall
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