WebEx - Campus Phone System

Audience: Faculty & Staff

Information Technology has completed upgrading our existing legacy on-campus phone system. We are truly excited about this project because aside from upgrading all the physical phones on campus, everyone will have access to a new app (Cisco WebEx), which brings calling, meeting, and messaging into a single application, unlocking more productive and efficient ways to work. If any of the items below do not fit your needs, Request Assistance by visiting the service.

Here is a helpful list of some of the features that can be utilized with WebEx:

1. WebEx Desktop Application

Once signed in using your Saint Xavier University (SXU) credentials the WebEx desktop application (app) allows incoming phone calls to be answered from a computer.
The Webex desktop app can be downloaded for PC or Mac from here: https://www.webex.com/downloads.html

2. WebEx Mobile Phone Application

Once installed the WebEx mobile app allows the user to make and receive calls from their SXU phone number on their personal cell phone.
The WebEx mobile app can be downloaded from the App Store (iPhone) or Google Play (Android).

3. Voicemail Access in the WebEx Application

Once signed into the Webex app the user is able to access their voicemail without a passcode/pin. 
All voice mails for the SXU phone number will be listed in the voicemail tab and they can be read, listened to, or deleted.

4. Headset Capabilities within the WebEx Application

Any Phone/Computer connected headset or ear buds will work with the WebEx app allowing for hands free calling.
If you have questions about connecting a headset or ear buds to your computer please contact The HUB at 773-298-HELP (4357).

5. Messaging/Chat Functionality

WebEx offers messaging/chat functionality which enables users to send direct messages to anyone else using the WebEx app.
There is also the ability to create work spaces that function similar to group chats which allows for multiple people to message each other in one space.

6. Video Calling/Screen Sharing

The Webex app allows for users to make video calls similar to Teams or Zoom. In fact, if both users are on an WebEx call via the app, the call can be switched from an audio call to a video/screen sharing call without disruption.  

7. Voicemails Sent Directly to Email

Anytime someone leaves a voicemail the system will email you with the caller ID and a transcription of the message.
The email is a copy of the message left on the phone and deleting it from your inbox does not delete the message on the phone or app.
Voice mail to email can be enabled by an administrator. Please submit a HUB ticket to enable this feature for your account.

8. Voicemail Passcode/Pin Self-Management

End-Users are able to reset their passcode/pin for their desk phone voicemail. 
To reset your passcode/pin, please sign in using SXU credentials here: https://settings.webex.com

9. Video Call Scheduling

WebEx can communicate with Outlook to update your calendar and schedule calls.
Video calls can be scheduled or set up in a few seconds to communicate easily.
WebEx can add the meeting details to an email allowing anyone to join a meeting with or without the app.

10. Team collaboration

Invite 1 or more people into a video chat to work and share ideas.
WebEx makes it easy to go from messaging to video chat to conference call all within the app.

Desk Phone Information:

Attached to this article are PDFs with descriptions of the 2 types of phones we have on campus.
Additional information can be found here: https://help.webex.com/en-us


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Wed 2/14/24 2:27 PM
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