Forward Meeting As Email

Audience: Faculty and Staff

Forward Meeting As Email

Did you know that forwarding a meeting invitation notifies the meeting organizer that you sent the email to another recipient? Did you also know that if someone responds to that invitation, the response goes to the meeting organizer and not to you?  When you use Outlook to forward a meeting to someone that was not originally invited to the meeting, Outlook sends a meeting forward notification to the meeting organizer.  When a meeting request is forwarded to a new attendee, the meeting organizer receives a meeting notification and the new attendee is added to the organizer’s meeting. Doing this, however, doesn't alert the existing attendees of the added attendee.  If desired, you can forward a meeting invite as an email instead.


Forward Meeting As Email Without Notifying Meeting Organizer In Outlook

Generally speaking, it’s easy to forward a meeting invitation with clicking Meeting Forward in Outlook. However, it will automatically send a notification to the meeting organizer by this way. Here, this article will introduce a way to forward a meeting as normal email, without notifying the meeting organizer in Outlook.

Please follow below steps to forward a meeting invitation as a normal email without sending forward notification to the meeting organizer in Outlook.

1. In the Calendar view, select the meeting you will forward as email, drag and drop it to the Mail icon at the bottom of Navigation Pane. See screenshot in attached pdf.
2. Now the meeting invitation is copied to a new email as below screenshot shown. Please add recipients, compose the email, and send it.
The selected meeting invitation has been forwarded as a normal email in Outlook.

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Article ID: 31657
Thu 6/8/17 12:53 PM
Wed 6/17/20 10:51 AM