SPSS Installation Guide (Off Campus)

Audience: Students

NOTE Please note the following information before you install SPSS

  • Operating System Version
  • SPSS Download Location
  • SPSS Authorization Code (Code is provided to you by your instructor.)

Instructions to install SPSS - Windows

  1. Download SPSS version for your Operating System by going to the following link: SPSS 29
  2. Click the file that aligns with your Operating System.
  3. Next, click Download, followed by Direct download.
  4. Make sure the download saves with an .exe extension based on your computer operating system.
  5. Navigate to the destination where your file was downloaded to and double click to execute the SPSS install file.
  6. Follow the prompts and accept the terms as needed.
  7. Click Install when the window prompts.
  8. When the install is complete, leave the default checked to Start SPSS Statistics 29 License Authorization Wizard now and click Finish.
  9. When the Licensing Authorization Wizard opens, select the Authorized user license option then click Next.
  10. Enter the code that has been provided by your instructor, and click Next.
  11. Follow the remaining prompts until completion.


Instruction to install SPSS - Mac **Note some Mac/Apple operating systems do not work with SPSS.

  1. Download SPSS version for your Operating System by going to the following link: SPSS 29
  2. Click the file that aligns with your Operating System.
  3. Next, click Download, followed by Direct download.
  4. Make sure the download saves with a .dmg extension based on your computer operating system and any patches.
  5. Navigate to the destination where your file was downloaded to and double click to execute the SPSS install file.
  6. When this window is displayed, double click on SPSS_Statistics_Installer.
  7. If prompted with a warning about opening the file that looks like the below, click Open.
  8. If prompted to authenticate the program by your computer, please do so and click Install Helper.
  9. Now the SPSS installer window should launch and click OK to continue.
  10. Follow the prompts and accept the terms as needed.
  11. Click Install when the window prompts.
  12. When the install is complete, leave the default checked to Start SPSS Statistics 29 License Authorization Wizard now and click Done.
  13. When the Licensing Authorization Wizard opens, click Next.
  14. Select the Authorized user license option and then click Next.
  15. Enter the code that is been provided by your instructor, and click Next.
  16. Follow the remaining prompts until completion.
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Article ID: 8647
Tue 9/1/15 9:21 AM
Mon 8/26/24 8:32 AM

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